Saturday, April 25, 2009

Develop Your Weight Loss Mindset

Develop Your Weight Loss Mindset

by Joshua Seth

Are you seriously thinking about losing some weight. Its got to be the #1 New Years resolution of all time. Here's the problem, most people simply have the wrong mindset for weight loss.

Want immediate results? Do you focus on the sacrifice of giving up the food you love?

Change your belief that when you lose weight you are not sacrificing anything; you are gaining everything? How would that change your attitude about losing weight from now on?

In hypnosis we call that reframing, which is a way of empowering your beliefs so you can make the changes you desire.

Most people tend to go on diets to help them lose weight. Unfortunately, diets are ineffective about 90% of the time. You can read about this at

Diets focus on the external not on the internal; they focus on the food that you eat. In my New You Total Weight Loss System, you learn to focus on the internal; what you think and how you feel about food and yourself.

This gets to the core of the issue, after all there are innumerable reasons to lose excess weight, and virtually no good reasons to keep it on, except your mindset (your fears, your beliefs, and your self-esteem).

Your mind is incredibly powerful - much more powerful than your body. Your mind can cause you to eat to excess, without even realizing it, and your mind can also cause you to feel completely satisfied with only a small amount of food. It all depends on your internal programing, your mindset.

Your mindset can help you attain all your targets in life, or doom you to fail miserably at them.

It helps to have a system that keeps you highly motivated to lose the weight, help you set goals for yourself, and address the emotional issues which often keep us from losing weight and keeping it off for good.

Of course, you still need to follow a healthy eating plan. When you follow a proven plan you drastically increase your chances for success. Without a plan its hard to achieve anything.

Here's your Weight Loss Plan:

1. Whats your plan for losing weight this year?

2. How much weight do you plan to lose?

3. By what date will you lose it by?

4. What are you going to get there?

Answer these four questions, and you start improving your health today. By doing so youre taking the steps to do something good for yourself, as well as the people who love you. Youre taking charge of your health and your life. The greatest gift you can give yourself and those who love you is good health. Why wait any longer? Answer these four questions and start today.

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